We are forgiven sinners, saved from our sins by the work of Jesus Christ on the cross.
Being reconciled to God and no longer under His judgement, we desire to worship and serve God who has shown mercy to us.
We seek to hold to the historic Biblical faith. We identify with the 1689 Baptist confession of faith.
How we worship . . .
As we gather each Lord’s Day morning, our aim is to worship God with sincerity of heart and according to the pattern given to us in God’s Word.
The integral elements of each worship service are Bible reading, singing praises to God, prayer, expository preaching, and Christian fellowship.
We believe that prayer, Bible study, and fellowship are important, and we gather each Sunday, every second Wednesday evening, and at various other times for these activities.
Reading of the Word
The hearing of the Bible is central to our worship. We read a passage at the beginning, throughout and at the end of our worship service.
Singing Praises
We sing a combination of conservative and doctrinal hymns, Psalms, and spiritual songs.
Expository Preaching
We preach verse by verse, chapter by chapter, as nothing is more important than hearing God’s Word. We strive to teach the whole counsel of God, for we have no right to omit anything God has said.
Corporate Prayer
We join together in prayer for our church, our community, our missionaries, and the Gospel work throughout the world.
The Bible is God’s Word, and is thus complete and without error. The Bible consists of 66 books (39 in the Old Testament, 27 in the New Testament). The Bible’s last book has been completed, and it ends with a curse on any further addition that is regarded as of equal authority. The Bible has been preserved for us and is utterly trustworthy in all its teaching, even after its translation from Hebrew and Greek into hundreds of other languages. Nothing recorded in the Bible is inaccurate, and anything outside of the Bible is not essential for faith and practice. The Bible is our only rule for faith and practice, not merely one of our rules. The Bible is thus superior to the tradition of any church or group. The Bible must regulate or control every other statement of faith. A secondary, subordinate explanation of what we believe as the Bible’s basic teaching, is the 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith.
God is a Spirit Who created mankind to reflect His image in flesh. God is the creator of everything that exists, both visible and invisible. God created everything by direct creation (speaking it into existence). God exists in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit, all being equally and fully God. This is the basic Christian doctrine of the Trinity. God is not only Creator but Sustainer of all things, which means He is in absolute control of all people and all things, in all places, and at all times.
All people have sinned by breaking God’s law; we are under God’s judgement already, and are unable to save ourselves from His judgement, or to improve ourselves adequately to meet His standards. We are sinners by nature and by choice. We thus need the intervention of God as our Saviour.
Jesus Christ is God the Son, fully God and fully man, the only Saviour who died and rose again from the dead, to save His people from their sins, as prophesied by Himself and by many other prophets. He is the only Saviour God offers us, the only one qualified to represent both God and man. He now reigns from heaven over all things. He will personally return to judge all people and bring in the eternal kingdom of God.
The Good News (“Gospel”) of Who Jesus Christ is, and what He has done, is a message of salvation to be proclaimed freely to all people. All people are commanded by God to repent and trust in Jesus Christ as Lord.
Baptism and the Lord’s Supper are the two ordinances given to the church to keep until Christ returns. These ordinances identify us as Christians: they do not make us Christians. They are every Christian’s privilege and responsibility.
Baptism teaches us about death and resurrection, sin and righteousness, repentance and faith. Baptism is momentary immersion of a Christian believer into water, symbolising the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus, and publicly professing our faith in His righteousness to substitute for our sins. Baptism is administered once only to a believer. By contrast, the Lord’s Supper (communion) is administered frequently, “until He returns”.
The Lord’s Supper is the way Jesus Himself told us to remember Him. In this we symbolise the flesh and blood of Jesus in the literal form of bread and wine. Baptism and the Lord’s Supper are given to us because of the forgiveness of sins, not in order that we might be forgiven. Baptism and the Lord’s Supper are public testimonies of faith in Christ, to be shared with other Christians.
Church membership is the privilege of all Christian believers. We are already members of the universal church (the body of Christ), and it is right that we should symbolise this practically by joining and supporting a local church that preaches His Word. In our church, we require prospective members to have clear evidence of faith in Christ, and to have expressed this faith publicly by believers’ baptism.
Worship must be God-honouring, joyful, from a prepared heart, holy, reverent, and intelligent. True worship involves the intellect, the emotions and the will. The central feature of public worship is the hearing of God’s Word being expounded (preached and taught) by suitably qualified men God has called. Worship is the invisible surrender of the heart to God, and is thus infinitely more than music or singing. However, congregational singing of psalms, hymns and spiritual songs are expressions of worship.
Church Officers
Samuel Thompson
Graham Davidson
Mark Wakefield
Do you have any questions?
We are more than happy to talk to you and answer your questions.